Oklahoma City Oil Field Injury Lawyers

When heavy machinery malfunctions, it may cause a fire or explosion or may result in a worker being caught or hit by its moving parts. The injuries associated with machinery malfunction at an oil field are typically catastrophic, leading to severe burns, crush injuries, damaged internal organs, amputation or dismemberment, and paralysis. In some cases, a worker will lose his or her life immediately or will succumb to critical injuries.

If the machinery malfunctioned at your work site and you were injured, an Oklahoma City oil field accident attorney at the Law Offices of Stipe & Belote can help.

Our firm represents oil field workers and their families, offering experienced and compassionate legal counsel to address their legal needs as we seek maximum financial compensation on their behalf.

Far too many oil drilling injuries are linked to negligent safety standards, poor equipment maintenance, and other forms of carelessness or big oil companies "cutting corners" in an attempt to make a profit. Our team can investigate the circumstances that led to your accident to determine who should be held accountable and will then seek the highest amount of monetary damages possible under workers' compensation or personal injury law.

two men working on oil pipes

Oil Field Injury Claims Involving Machinery Malfunctions in Oklahoma City

When we handle an oil field injury claim related to machinery malfunction, we take a scientific approach, working with investigators and experienced professionals in oil drilling machinery, in particular, to determine exactly what went wrong. We will work to build a compelling case on your behalf in this regard.

Contact us today for a lawyer who will work with medical professionals and economists to properly determine what your claim should be worth so you and your family can get the money you need to rebuild and move on.

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