Oklahoma Texting and Driving Law

In 2015, Oklahoma banned the use of cellular devices to text, take photos/videos, & post to social media. However, it is still legal for adult drivers to make phone calls with or without hands-free equipment. If you are pulled over & cited for texting while driving the penalty for a first offense is $100 fine & can become increasingly severe if cited for multiple offenses. Texting while driving is one of the most dangerous forms of distracted driving. Texting not only takes one's attention and eyes off the road but also takes one or even both of a driver's hands from the steering wheel. This greatly hinders a driver's ability to react to a change in traffic, emergency situation, or traffic signal or even to remain in his or her own lane on the road.

In some ways, texting while driving may be considered as dangerous as, if not more dangerous than, drunk driving. We can help by determining the true worth of your claim and then seeking complete financial compensation for all of your post-accident expenses, allowing you the best opportunity at financial security in an otherwise difficult time. 

Reach out to our skilled Oklahoma City texting while-driving accident lawyer today if you have suffered injuries in a car crash by calling (888) 842-1374 or contacting us online.

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Fatal Texting While Driving Accidents & Other Impacts on Victims

Were you injured in a car accident caused by a motorist who was texting while driving? An attorney at our law firm may be able to assist you. You will need to deal with an insurance claim and may be left trying to figure out how you will pay medical expenses and regular bills while trying to manage repairs to your vehicle, lost wages from missed work, and rental car expenses.

The Law Offices of Stipe & Belote Can Help You Fight For Compensation

At the Law Offices of Stipe & Belote, we handle texting car accident claims. 

We oversee cases of this kind that involve:

In addition to handling passenger car accidents caused by this negligent behavior, we help clients who have been injured in motorcycle or tractor-trailer accidents.

Contact the Law Offices of Stipe & Belote for a free, confidential consultation. Our firm also works on a contingent fee basis, meaning you pay nothing unless we win your driving while texting accident case.

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