Did your child suffer a serious dog bite injury? It is important to take legal action to hold the dog owner responsible for their negligence. At the Law Offices of Stipe & Belote, we represent dog bite victims who need legal assistance. We handle personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits related to dog bites and all types of animal attacks and are ready to put our experience to work for you. With an injury attorney at our offices to handle your claim, you can feel confident that we will fight tirelessly to seek the full financial compensation you deserve. Immediately after a dog bite, it is important to identify the animal that attacked you. It is also important to find out who the owner is, as he or she may be held liable for your injuries.
After seeking medical attention, we also recommend contacting an attorney. A legal professional can review the circumstances of your attack to determine whether the dog owner should be held responsible. This will also be your attorney's opportunity to get started in handling your case to determine how to maximize your financial compensation.
Considering the medical expenses and other damages often associated with dog bite injuries, recovering money will be an important part of preserving your financial security and enabling you to face easier rehabilitation.