Contact Our Proven Oklahoma City Truck Accident Lawyers Today

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two semi trucks in a crash

What Causes a Truck to Jackknife?

What causes a truck to jackknife involves the brakes on a commercial truck are not suddenly working, causing the axis to lock up. Meanwhile, the truck drags the trailer with locked brakes while the trailer swings around the truck and into adjacent lanes. That will cause the semi-truck to "jackknife." These accidents produce an enormous obstacle for other motorists and can result in rollovers, pile-ups, and other catastrophic accidents. Jackknife accidents can happen by weather conditions but are often the result of truck driver negligence. If you've been harmed in a jackknife accident, we invite you to contact our team at the Law Offices of Stipe & Belote today. Our award-winning Oklahoma truck accident lawyers have recovered millions of dollars in relief for clients who have been hurt by the irresponsible actions of others. We're ready to assess your jackknife accident claim and ensure that every viable avenue toward proper compensation is diligently pursued on your behalf. Our advocates are ready to hear your story. Use our online form to request a free case evaluation today.

Jackknife Accidents & Negligence

Not all jackknife accidents are the fault of the truck driver. Sometimes, dangerous weather conditions or the reckless actions of another motorist can cause them to occur. However, there are a number of ways truck drivers can cause jackknife accidents, and when they do, they (and sometimes their employers) can be held accountable for any injuries that occur. Jackknife accidents can occur when truck drivers:

  • Tailgate (follow other vehicles too closely)
  • Drive too fast (especially when turning)
  • Improperly break
  • Improperly handle the truck when it skids

It's also possible that improperly loaded cargo can cause these accidents. If you believe that any one of these elements contributed to your jackknife accident injuries, then our firm is ready to speak with you. Our experienced Oklahoma City commercial vehicle accident attorneys are well-versed in what it takes to substantiate these claims and how to ensure that your right to maximum compensation is compellingly put forth.

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