Oklahoma City Car Accident Attorney

Side-impact crashes are among the deadliest types of car accidents. Often referred to as T-bone collisions, these accidents involve one vehicle being struck in the side by another vehicle.

These collisions often occur in intersections while one vehicle is traveling through the intersection and another vehicle travels straight through from another direction, striking the vehicle in the side.

Have you been recently involved in a side-impact crash? Now is the time to talk to an attorney at our law offices about handling your insurance claim and recovering maximum monetary damages for your injuries. With an attorney from our firm to protect your interests, investigate the cause of your accident, and build a compelling argument on your behalf, you have the chance to seek the money that will help you with medical bills, lost earnings, and so much more.

Jack Stipe talking to a man and woman

Damages During a Side-Impact Crash

Why are side-impact crashes so serious? The vehicle that is struck in the side is likely to sustain extensive damage. This is often the weak point of the vehicle, particularly in older models that do not have side airbags or added protection for vehicle occupants when the vehicle is struck on the side. The door and window beside the driver or passenger on the side of the vehicle that sustains the force of impact may literally crumple inward on the occupant, causing catastrophic crush injuries. These injuries will be even more severe if a commercial truck, bus, or other large and heavy vehicle collides with a smaller vehicle.

Your initial consultation with a lawyer at our firm is free. We also work on a contingent fee basis in the car accident claims we handle. This means you pay no legal fees unless we win your case, so contact us today!

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